Thursday 23 April 2015

50 Things That Make Me Happy

I've been tagged by Louise from Little Hearts Big Love To list 50 things that make me happy. What better a post to have as my Thankful Thursday this week


So here are my 50 things

1 My Little Family

2 Being a Mum

3 My wedding pictures

4 my lovely house

5 My Allotment

6 Spending time with friends

7 Feeling the heat from our floor tiles on my feet when it's been a sunny day

8 Sleepy cuddles

9 My littlest little's curly hair

10 Being told I have wonderful children

11 Holidays

12 Crete

13 The Sea

14 School Holidays

15 Flat Pack Furniture

16 Lists

17 Planning Things

18 Giving Clearance (starting a show in the theatre!)

19 Working in Theatre

20 Giggling with my besties

21 Buying gifts

22 Lazy mornings in bed with my family

23 Eating Nutella with a spoon

24 Making cakes

25 Mexican food

26 Memories of my nana

27 Looking at old photos

28 Getting hand me down clothes from the most stylish girl I know (thankyou Helen)

29 Rare evenings making stuff on my sewing machine

30 Spending time in Dublin with my lovely in-laws

31 Riding my girly bike!

32 Singing super loud in the car to cheesy songs with the window down in the summer

33 Daftodils

34 Spring

35 Watching my children play together

36 Building Dens

37 Ice pops

38 Chocolate

39 Even rarer evenings on a date with the man

40 Mojitos in the sunshine

41 The look on my childrens' faces when the aren't quite awake first thing in the morning

42 The Song 'Happy'

43 Dancing with the kids

44 The warm feeling that creeps over you when you drift off to sleep

45 Driving home in the dark and seeing the glow of lights peeping through the homes of people all cosy and warm inside

46 Chatting to my Mummy mates

47 Being pregnant and giving birth

48 Driving

49 Hugs

50 Helping people


Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy

Follow the Monkeyfooted Mummy








  1. So lovely to read your 50 happy things list - lovely list. I also love singing loudly in the car in the summer with the windows wound down; lazy family mornings in bed are wonderful and that warm feeling that drifts over you when you fall asleep is just blissful isn't it? :-)

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