Wednesday 22 June 2016

Educational Play The Schleich Way

I've seen Schleich figures in many shops and visitor attractions over the years but we have never owned any, just recently we were contacted to see if we would help out with a new campaign they are launching ' Educational Play The Schleich Way'

So Schleich have launched a catalogue with ideas and games on how to use the figures in their range for the most educational benefit. Now I'm one of those mums who sees learning in everything we do and I love making up games and plays with the kids, on a recent holiday we forgot to pack our card and to be brutally honest there are only so many times I can cope with Monster High Top Trumps, so I resorted to making games up.... We played 'What animal am I' a lot and I now cant wait to try that again but with some of our new figures. We also played Bedroom Boules. Bed Golf and Finger football! All the games we made up with things we had to hand so it just goes to show you don't need fancy technology and a house full of toys to entertain the kids! So you can imagine this project sounded right up my street

you can download the brochure here or by clicking this image

The brochure is free and if you are a bit cynical. like me, its not just a blatant advert for Schleich toys! There are loads of helpful bits of information about play, with game ideas, information on language development and tips to encourage play and combat boredom. I love that the games and ideas suggested can be adapted for your situation. 

Keeping in mind some of the ideas on Balanced play and different game ideas we took the opportunity to throw our new Schleich animals in the rucksack on a trip out....

First we talked about perspective and optical illusions, aaaaargh elephant in the road!

Then we did some role play in the car where the kids made up a space pony/ alien zebra story!

Termite tried her hand ant some disappearing animal tricks.

There was some 'fungus amungus' dressage (I played no part in that idea it was all them!!!)

And then we shared our dinner 

I love the idea behind the brochure and man alive I get the attraction with Schleich figures the quality and detail is awesome and even the kids noticed a difference when they got their hands on them with comments like 'ooh thats heavy' and 'ee look at the wrinkles on this elephant'!

There is also a competition in the brochure, not that you need any more encouragement to download it,  to win £100 worth of toys thanks to Schleich and Uk Mums TV

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