Wednesday 2 December 2015

Happy 7th Birthday Peanut

Oh my oh my how can I have a 7 year old child? How is that possible? I know I ask every year how can you possibly still be growing older when I feel like you are still my cheeky confident little toddler running all over and ruling the world. But man alive how quickly life goes, and you are growing up so fast.

My utter little perfectionist, so full of determination that everything you do (apart from tidying your room!) should be 100% right and perfect and how you take it seriously when it isnt. I promise I try every day to see how important it is to you to be perfect all the time but you should know that to me you are, have and always and  will always  be utter perfection. It matters not a jot if you get 1 or 10 questions right in your maths or spelling I know you have a fabulous brain a kind heart, a creative mind and the kindness of a million people. You see you are the most amazing 7 year old in the world and I love how you care about everyone, how you want to show people how much you care about them, how you watch out for other and hate to see unkindness.

You are brave and strong and willing to try anything after a little bit of observation time, sometimes you feel unsure with things like climbing or slides or rides but a little bit of time to observe normally sees you push yourself to try.

I love how creative you are, writing books, building creations, writing scripts for your shows and drawing and making anything you can with whatever you can get your hand on!

You are a truly amazing little lady and you are still my 'teacher child' the one who helps me learn my way through all the new bits and the one who leads me on to be a better parent. Thankyou for being my brilliant perfect peanut!

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