Wednesday 25 June 2014

Tales of The Termite - 10 months

I have had such a busy month, no more new teeth this month but I'm getting lots of pain so I think there's going to be more soon.

I've been on my second holiday this time to Egypt, you can read about it here.

I can now walk along furniture holding on with just one hand and I can move from one piece to another even if I have to reach out for it, I can climb on the sofa too!

I've perfected my hi five, I can say hiya and wave at new people without being asked and when mammy says 'good girl' I clap and she thinks it's dead cute even though I've been able to do the clapping thing for ages. I love to dance still and I can make loads of noises too, peanut likes to copy me but mammy tells her she should be using her words so I can learn them. 

I like to nod in agreement with mammy and daddy.  I have also learned to sign 'birdie' (that's those feathery things in the sky that I love) and 'daddy' which has pleased the daddy one no end , he's such a softie. I've also taken a shine to mammy's phone and look I can take a 'selfie'

We've used loads of stuff this month our favourites have been The Munchkin Inflatable Duck Bath, Vtech Baby Walker, Lindam Play Pen, 

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