Sunday 24 August 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Termite

This time last year you were making your way into the world, in the most amazing birthing experience I could have hoped for. 
About 20 minutes old in this picture!
Its been pretty much the same since, you are an amazing and happy baby. So very typically a 'third child' in that you fit in perfectly. So long as you know daddy or I are close then you are happy. You have grown into a happy inquisitive little person and we hear 'whats this' all day long. We also hear how happy you are from everyone we meet, you are such a smiley girl.

I cant explain to you how you have impacted our lives, mostly because when I think about it my words get jumbled and it never sounds quite as it should! First of all you have completed our family, things feel just perfect with you around and your Sister and Brother love you so much. I feel like you have made me a better mother, as soppy and romantic as that sounds, you have had a relaxing effect on me. I no longer sweat the small stuff, and despite our massively hectic lives I feel more efficient than ever since becoming a Mum to 3! (some of the people I write for may disagree when they think about missed deadlines and work submitted with second to spare! Sorry to you folk if you are reading this)

In the past year I've heard a few comments quite regularly

  • You've got your hands full!
  • You'll not be having any more though?
  • Are you mad?
  • You're brave!
  • Will you have another?

Let me tell you, yes I have my hands full, but no more than a mum to 1 or 2, but my life is full as well, full of love, laughter and fun (with a boat load of mess to boot).

I would have another half a dozen babies if they all turned out like you and your siblings because you are a joy to be with. 

And yes I'm crazy! Crazy about being a mum and I love every mad minute of it.

You have given me so much, the home birth I wanted, which by the way was so wonderful I just want to keep having more babies because of it! You have overcome lots of breast feeding barriers and you have fed longer than both your brother and sister. You make me proud every day, and your smile melts my heart and makes any stress seem insignificant, I can't believe how lucky I am, but I really cant believe how fast this year has flown and I could cry to think how quickly you have moved through babyhood, and whilst I look forward to the brilliant milestones we will meet together in this coming year, I will miss baby cuddles and the heavily dependant stage a lot.

Termite, to paraphrase a cheesy movie line. you complete us. Thankyou for a brilliant   year

Happy Birthday and Lots of Love from Mammy


  1. Happy birthday little lady, I can't believe it's been a year!

  2. Aww I had a little tear in my eye. What a lovely post. Happy birthday xxx

  3. What a beautiful post, happy birthday xx
