Monday 11 August 2014

Preparing For The Holidays With e-outdoor and Free Summer HuntActivity Sheet

Family monkeyfeet are off on our travels again soon, this time to mainland Spain. Last time we went we had a mixed old bag weather wise with quite a few days of rain, so I'm going fully prepared this time with both warm and wet weather clothes and comfy shoes as we will be doing A LOT of walking.Thankfully Ive found all the outdoor stuff we will need from e-outdoor.


They have a range of outdoor gear, clothes, bags and walking shoes and boots for kids and grown ups and such a cute range of wee rucksacks I'm not sure which one I will choose for Termite. With brands like North Face, Barbour and Weird fish theres no shortage of holiday goodies for Spartacus and I and to keep the kids entertained they have even created this free downloadable 'summer hunt' sheet which you can also print off from here. Its full of facts and activities to do while you go out and about, along ith puzzles and pictures, I hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

You can connect with e-outdoor on Facebook and Twitter

This post was written in colaboration with e-outdoor

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