Friday 22 August 2014

The 'C' Word - Budgets and Bargains

Ssssh (I'm about to use the C word) don't tell anyone I told you but... its less than 18 weeks to Christmas! I know right? Have you started buying yet, do you have a budget, are you, like many of us, finding things tight at the moment?

I'm most certainly feeling the pinch but Ive been making a bit of extra cash selling on ebay and selling pages. We have lots of stuff that is no longer used and yet just sits unloved in the attic, my bag and shoe collection to start A relic of the days when my expandable cash (ah expendable cash how I miss thee) was spent on frivolous items. I rarely wear fancy heels now, in fact I'm not even sure I can walk in heels anymore! So Ive been happy to sell them to people who will love them and give them the use they deserve. (me emotional about a shoe collection? No! Well maybe just a tad)

So here are my tips for safe, happy and productive selling

  • Take lots of pictures - People are more confident to bid on  or buy something they can have a good look at, so snap from all angles and in good light against a clear plain background (no pile of laundry please)
  • Be Honest - List any faults or marks so that the buyer is totally clear what they are getting.
  • Be descriptive- Mention ways to use the item or benefits to having it. One thing I learned during my Travel Agent Training is to paint a picture, 'this bag looks great with Jeans and a Tee or dressed up for dinner, its so versatile'. It may sound cheesy but it really works
  • Always use PayPal -They protect buyers and sellers and hep resolve any issues after the sale.
  • A reliable Courier is  important - I really cant stress how easy it is to book and use a good courier and how stress free it is to know you have someone looking after your parcel properly.! You know it will get where it is supposed to be and get there safely. So do your research before you book that delivery slot.

Selling those unused items can be stress free and really lucrative if you follow these simple steps. 

Happy Selling

***This is a collaborative Post***

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