Wednesday 9 April 2014

Travel Journal Easter in Crete Part 2

Settling In

It's  day 3 and after speaking to reception we have been moved to a ground floor suite. I feel much better and more relaxed. The new room wasn't ready as quickly as we were told and instead of lunchtime we weren't settled in with our bags and the cot until past 10pm. But it's been great to just be changed to a different room with minimal fuss. We are also still on standby to upgrade to a swim up if one comes available so I'm
hoping that come change over day we can be swimming in our own little river ! 

The kids have been to Playhouse (Sensatori's Kids Club) and seen a lovely lady called Jo Jo who we first met in Tenerife Sensatori so this is our third holiday with her. She gave the kids a massive welcome totally recognising Peanut and because of that we've hardly seen the kids as they want to go to every session, and there are up to 4 sessions a day! Yesterday they went to the 'arty party' from 7.30-9.30pm so Spartacus and I enjoyed a meal in The Five Flavours Thai with just a sleeping Termite for company, the novelty of just adult  conversation was so wonderful it took us almost 30 minutes to even look at the menu! 

We've been recognised by a few of the hotel staff Chryssa in the restaurant always greets us like family which is lovely, even the Executive chef remembers us and cooed over Termite, welcoming our 'new addition', and Dimytris from Tex Mex behaved like he had just seen us yesterday! 

The weather was miserable on Monday with rain, but there was plenty to keep the kids entertained and the sky is showing promise of a beautiful day so we are off to choose which of the 5 pools to visit.... 

1 comment:

  1. glad you got a upgrade and how lovely of the kids to know somebody i bet they having blast! sounds like you having a fab holiday so far xx
