Saturday 30 April 2016

Black Widow Disney Dress Up

It's no secret that (hoorah) my eldest girl has lost interest in princesses and pink. Star Wars was the catalyst to change my girl into a wannabe kick ass heroine, and whilst she's never watched any Marvel Movies she has yelled 'Black Widow' excitedly every time she has seen the advert for Capatain America Civil War. So when Disney offered to send us a Black widow dress up to celebrate the release of the movie we were over the moon.

Here is Peanut as Black Widow.....

We love the dress up, its great quality and will last a while even for my rapidly growing eldest girl.


  1. Ah this is so cool! I would have loved this as a child, I hated girlie dress up, I think i dressed as Alan Shearer for Heroes day once!

  2. Peanut makes a superb Black Widow - I would love to raid your dressing up box one day :D #LoveNorthEast

  3. She's so cool! Something happened to my Instagram and it wouldn't refresh for a few seconds of opening it, so for a couple of days peanut was the first thing I saw whenever I opened instagram!

  4. My Mum was always trying to convince me not to like princesses but I was having none of it! LOVE this outfit, I really miss the days of fancy dress!

  5. Aw love it! You'll have to get her involved in Cash for Kids Superhero day on Friday 13th May. I've got my super girl t-shirt at the ready!

  6. Awww doesn't she look fab. I love kids in fancy dress

    Cat x

  7. Aw she looks fab, and so pleased with her little self! Great costume! (Not like when I was little and it was old sheets or binbags!!)

  8. Sorry, forgot to say, came over from your lovely linky #LoveNorthEast
