Wednesday 13 April 2016

Get Little Mix To Olivia

I really never normally do stuff like this, because lets be honest I may have written for Huffington Post (do you see how I seamlessly dropped that in ha ha) but I know little old me doesn't really have enough clout despite my obviously amazingly (pahahahaa)  blog ; -), to convince supestar pop goddesses to do anything. Buuuuut I want to call upon the power of the blogger and combine that with the power of the mighty Sand-dancer (thats someone from South Shields if you didn't know) to see if I can maybe get this message to the lovely lasses of Little Mix !

My pal has  twin nieces and we were chatting about them at school today. Sophie and Olivia are 8 on Tuesday and as a special treat they got tickets to see Little Mix.

Olivia has had more than 25 operations in her little life including a kidney transplant in 2013 and just recently a major spinal surgery and she has done it all with courage, grace and a smile on her face

But  the docotrs have told her she is not well enough following her recent surgery to attend the concert! Devastated doesn't come close for poor Olivia, she is such a huge fan of Little Mix and has been ooking forward to this for ages, its been the thing she has focused on through her recent surgery.

Her Mam wants to do anything she an to help her daughters feel better and she would love if Little Mix could help her

So lovely Little Mix lasses if there is anything you can do to cheer up amazing Olivia then the folk of Shields and the bloggers of the North East would be mighty mighty grateful.