Saturday 5 September 2015


So this week pictures of 3 year old Alyan washed ashore after drowning alongside his Mother Rehan and 5 year old brother Galip. Their Father Abdullah said all he wanted to do now was lie beside them.

Imagine if you will the desperation that you must feel to pack your children into a dinghy and embark upon an ocean crossing?

Imagine if you will that this is your only choice.

Let's just think for a moment and visualise being in that situation. Imagine Britain has become an oppressive land where you can be hunted for disagreeing with those in power, raped, mutilated, beaten and killed. Imagine watching your family endure these ordeals, and you can't seek help because there's no one to turn to, not the police escort nor the government because they are the ones responsible for such torque so you decide to flee and your only exit is to get in a dinghy with nothing more than the clothes on your back in the dead of night. Clinging onto your children whilst waves toss the boat around like a scrap of paper on a breeze. All for what? To be referred to as 'them' 'a swarm' and goodness knows what else. To live on the streets sleeping out in the elements fearful for your health and safety



Regardless of what you believe to be the motivation for Syrian people taking risks like these, there is no argument that innocent children are dying, they are living in squalor in dangerous conditions and that's just not right.

I'm not alone in feeling we need to take action, we need to help, to remember that not so long ago children of Britain were being sent to live with strangers as refugees during the World Wars, that things could then have been very different, that we are safe now but that may not always be the case, let's hope we never ever have to beg another country to allow us sanctuary or provide us with aid !



Now is the time to help in any way you can. There's lots that you could do from the comfort of your own home. Please don't turn a blind eye. Do Something to help.


Whatever you decide, don't choose apathy

You can help me and an amazing bunch of bloggers raise a shed load of cash for this #SaveSyriasChildren campaign

To donate £5 please text SYRIA to 70008''

This text donation is run by Save The Children, you can also donate here

Or you can donate STUFF! check for local groups like this one on Facebook, who are organising collections of Hygiene products, blankets, tarpaulin, clothes, shoes, books, torches and tinned food. There are many more around the country doing the same.







1 comment:

  1. I can't even begin to imagine the desperation of those families in the boats and what they were fleeing from. So important to try and help where we can; thank you for highlighting the facebook groups too.
