Saturday 12 September 2015

The Many Bags of Monkeyfeet HQ

We have a system here at Monkeyfeet HQ and it keeps me organised. We pack our bags at the beginning of the week so they are ready and waiting when we need them. So on a Sunday night I do a refresh and refill of our


  • School Bags

  • PE Bags
  • Baby Bag for the Pram
  • Baby Bag for the Car
  • Judo Bag

  • Swimming Bags
  • Dance kit

It's this last one that's giving me most trouble, we need a bag that's big enough for two pairs of dance shoes a drinks bottle and clothes. We've been looking for just the right bag for a while with Pranut leading the search specifically looking for dance bags, pink bags or anything not particularly practical if I'm honest. So mammy took over and suggested we search for backpacks instead. After much grumbling I'm delighted to say we finally (by we I mean peanut!) fell in love with a cute (non pink) little number that has space for everything, a bottle holder and pocket for money too!


I know it may seem bonkers to have different bags for each activity but if I know on Sunday that bags are packed to go it's one less worry on my list, and my list is looooooooong! So while 12 packed bags may take up room the save me time through the weekend make rushing to post school activity less stressful.

Please tell me I'm not alone, are you a serial bag packer, do you have a similar routine for your weekly activities?


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  1. love that bag! yes i like to have my bags all ready for the week too although we only got PE, swimming, baby bag and car bag with spare clothes for now!

  2. That is a lot of bags! I do the school bags and packed lunch bags and my own bag but that's about it for the time being. x
