Friday 3 July 2015

Intu Teacher of The Year


There's a lot of chat around the North East just now about the Intu North East Teacher of the Year and a I've read some lovely blog posts nominating some amazing sounding teachers, it's made me think about how wonderful our children's teachers have all been. But then I got to thinking about how not many folk think to nominate their Head Teachers. I know all of my children's Class teachers so far have been amazing and worthy of the title North East teacher of the year, all of them have showed kindness compassion, imaginations, and a tailored approach to my very different children and their educational path.

But our headteacher is an unsung star. Let me tell you the first thing that I noticed about him... He knows every child's name. Every single one! I've not seen him waiver over any one of the names of any student who passes him! How is that possible I mean seriously the general public should consider themselves lucky that I remember to put my trousers on and I only have three kids to remember he has over 600!

He also lets the kids lead, I don't mean he lets them run riot because he's a firm headmaster and expects his students to adopt the Schools philosophy's but he really involves all the kids in decisions and they love it. We have a school newspaper run by the children and lots of industrious little businesses, theres a mug making shop, a newspaper and a jewellery shop. We have regular events and all the proceeds go back into the school helping brilliant projects like our gardening scheme, or the latest project , a new double decker library bus! There are also loads of various activities and school improvements always on the go.

He even organised (with the help of the whole school team and parents too) our very own version of Glastonbury with live music, stalls, food, workshops, activities and overnight camping! The kids and parents loved it and everyone was really pleased with the relaxed fun evening that thankfully the weather stayed dry for!

And most of all the very best thing about him is his willingness to talk. To anyone , about anything. His door is always open he's happy to discuss your concerns, he answers emails personally and is quick to action solutions to any concern. He's proactive genuinely cares about his students and never discounts any idea, comment, criticism or worry. I know he will read this and start talking about 'His Team' and be very clear that he deserves no praise but just for now .....

... we'd like to choose a sometimes overlooked position in these types of award and we nominate our lovely head teacher.


Thankyou from Team Monkeyfeet for never once rolling your eyes at our endless questions and numerous emails. Thankyou for making my children feel like you are one of their very best pals, for always letting my boy finish his sentences (which can sometimes take some time, bless him bumpy talking heart) and for finding the patience and interest to alway show my talkative girl and her 60mph chat that you do listen.


Here are the details of the competition :

To end this summer term with a bang, we’re going head to head in our search for the North East Teacher of the Year 2015. Championed by intu Metrocentre’s head and deputy head of fun, the competition seeks to say a well-deserved "Thank You" to the region’s teachers.

As part of our search we’re asking parents, teachers and students from across the region to nominate their favourite teacher via social media. 

All you have to do to nominate your favourite teacher is to head to either Intu Metrocentre or intu Eldon Sqaure's Twitter or Facebook page and let us know the name and school of your #intuBestTeacher.

On Twitter, simply tweet with the name of your teacher and school, using the hashtag #intuBestTeacher.

Meanwhile, to enter on Facebook, comment on one of the relevant #intuBestTeacher posts and let us know your teacher and school - on either intu Eldon Square's or intu Metrocente's Facebook page. 

The winning teacher will be crowned North East Teacher of the Year 2015 and will be rewarded with an all-expenses paid pamper day in the form of a £300 intu Gift Card. The runner up will also receive an intu Gift Card worth £50. 

In the last week of term, (w/c Monday 13 July 2015) both intu Eldon Square and intu Metrocentre will each select a top teacher from the social media entries and go head to head in the final week on Twitter. The teacher chosen who receives the most retweets across the final week wins!



1 comment:

  1. Ah he sounds wonderful - we have NO male teachers in our school which I feel is a real shame!
