Monday 27 July 2015

Dry Like Me #PottyTrainingLive Giveaway

You will remember that just recently we reviewed Dry Like Me's potty training book and offered a fab giveaway, well it was so popular that the lovely guys want to offer you another chance to win this amazing prize. To celebrate the launch of their annual summer potty training programme, Potty Training Live! 2015, Dry Like Me is giving away a ‘Smarter Way to Potty Train’ pack worth £24 each. They contain four boxes of Dry Like Me pads with a lovely reward chart and stickers, and a copy of award-winning book ‘How to Potty Train’ – all the tools you need to help your little one achieve potty training success!

So what is Potty Training Live? Well it has been designed by Jude and Di, creators of award winning potty training pads Dry Like Me. Over the last 2 years, they've helped almost 2000 families to potty train throughout the summer, and this year, they'd love to help you!

"Potty Training Live! is here to help guide parents and carers through the stress and mess of potty training.

We will help break potty training down into the key stages and hand-hold you through each stage. We will be available to answer all your questions and will also help you share your experiences with others in the same position. We have also organised some competitions and guest bloggers to help make potty training a pleasure, not a boot camp!

Your child may or may not be fully trained by the end of the five weeks, but they should be making good progress and you will be armed with information and tips to make sure you achieve success and stay sane throughout the process!

Potty training is a major milestone and getting dry should be celebrated not endured. Hopefully Potty Training Live! will help you make this happen.

Sign up for weekly emails. They will give you hints and tips and direct you to more detailed blogs and videos to help you. We don't want to overload you with information so if you need any extra help, just get in touch.

It's not too late to join Potty Training Live! so please spread the word!"

If you'd like to be in with a chance of winning, just fill out the Rafflecopter Form below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I am a big believer in going at the child's pace. Remember that accidents will happen. Make a big issue when your child goes to the toilet. Use a sticker reward chart to build up stickers to earn a reward

  2. just make it fun, and dont rush things x

  3. Buy a waterproof mattress - makes cleaning up night time accidents so much easier!

  4. be patient and dont rush things

  5. just to not expect too much too soon, it will all fall into place.....eventually!

  6. Elizabeth Hinds1 August 2015 at 11:39

    Be patient, never show your frustration and make it as fun and relaxed as possible :)

  7. Don't ever make them feel ashamed for wetting the bed, it will only hurt their feelings and dent their confidence. Always make sure to go over the top with praise when they achieve something.

  8. Don't sweat it! Accidents will happen - just go with the flow, each child is different

  9. let them wear big boy/girl pants in the house and if they have an accident they will see how uncomfortable and cold it is and just teach them and praise them

  10. Once you start don't go back to nappies,not even once as you'll only confuse your child and make the whole process much longer.

  11. I have no tips as I'm an utter novice at this, we've only just started to think about it and so far i've been pee'd on twice, he's pee'd on the floor and pooped on his wooden blocks (I don't even know how that one happened!!!!) My tip is stay light hearted - things can be cleaned up - it's not the end of the world! :) x

  12. be patient, if accidents happen then don't get angry just stay calm

  13. We'll be starting potty training soon so no tips but reading the comments above.

  14. I think patience is the key and every child is different and will get it in their own time so don't put pressure on them!

  15. Lots of praise and reward charts!

  16. We havent started potty training yet, although we do now have a potty sitting in the living room with T shows absolutely no interest in. From everything i read about it, it seems like waiting until they are really ready before trying to potty train is the best bet.

  17. dont rush things, do it when your child is ready! and then use plenty of rewards stickers! x

  18. Not fully started yet but we have got the one before bathtime all sorted. I think routine will play a big part as my little one automatcally goes to the potty now as soon as it's bath time.

  19. we havent gone through it yet, so just reading everyone elses!

  20. Wait until they are ready, it is so much easier!

  21. be patient
