Wednesday 2 January 2019

It's Not You, It's Me....... Taking a break

Hi Lovelies

How are you all?

So at the start of 2019 I've been reflecting on many things, family, health, work and blogging.

Blogging has taken a real back seat over the past year as I've returned to the crazy theatreland of work. 

I still love writing, although my proper posts had gotten a little lost in 'Blog work',  and I have many many drafts to finish and publish but for January I've decided to focus on my physical and mental health and part of that is to take a break from social media. So this morning I deleted social media apps from my phone with the exception of my page. For this month I will simply be updating my daily reasons to be cheerful , reading more and hand writing a journal which I've never done in years and years.

I'll also be re starting my couch-2-5k after a break from running due to 'proper man flu', and practising (or trying to practise)  meditation more.

Have you set any goals or started any changes for this year?

See you all in February 

Mrs Monkeyfeet