Tuesday 8 October 2013

Rice is Nice

Monkey Towers has been struck by illness recently so planning and preparation has fallen by the wayside. Last night we found ourselves without tea prepared so I ended up making one of our favourite but quick and simple recipes... Fried Rice.

Here's how we do it

3 eggs beaten with some soy sauce and Chinese spice, cooked in a pan until it's like scrambled egg. Remove and keep to one side.

Heat a little spray oil in a wok and fry some onions, peppers and frozen sweet corn (chop the onions and peppers into small cubes) 

Add some cooked and cooled rice to the pan and keep stirring until warm through. (We find its nicer if the rice has been cooked the day before so it has dried properly) 

We added some good quality ham at this point chopped finely

Add the egg and mix well 

Serve and enjoy 

The whole family enjoy this and its so versatile you can put anything you fancy in it. 


  1. that sounds lovely and easy and quick! might give it a go tomorrow! x

  2. That was a staple meal when I was at uni! Lots of cheese with it!
