Thursday 17 October 2013

All About Me......

Ive been tagged in a meme by the fabulous Kate at Family Fever and the lovely Colette  from We're Going On an Adventure. It all started when Gina from Cold Tea and Smelly Nappies received an 'all about me' booklet from school to fill out for her daughter. I'm sure we've all seen them, but she thought, and I agree, it would be fun to try it in Blogland!

First things first - your name and what you do?
OK I'm Karen (AKA The Monkeyfooted Mummy) I'm a SAHM, blogger and reviewer. I'm also an Operations Manager, Administrator, Personal Shopper, Chauffeur, Nurse, Adviser, Accountant, Chef, Teacher and Cleaner!!!!

I live at home with....
My husband 3 children - Peanut 4, The Golden Child 3, and Termite 7 weeks

My favourite thing to do is...
Spend time with those I love, visit the Theatre or go to a visitor Attraction.

My favourite thing to eat is...
Sweet - Chocolate

Savoury - Mexican

When I get cross I...
Normally cry in frustration.

Sometimes I worry because...
My kids are growing up in a changing and sometimes scary world. Also I worry about losing those close to me.

My favourite book is...
Too many to choose, I love Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination, PS I Love you and The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems!

My favourite toy is...
My iPhone. I'm unsure what anyone did before smartphones, I pay bills, organise, blog and watch TV

I dislike...
Irresponsible dog owners, selfish road users, selfishness and prejudice

When I grow up I want to be...
I would love to be a Teacher or have a career in Solving Problems for people!

Right that's me and now its time to learn more about some others so I am tagging 5 other bloggers who I want to join in the fun!

Wendy at Little Mans Mum
Tami at Mummy of Two
Anna at Chickhatcher

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