Tuesday 15 October 2013

National Baking Week

I love a good cake, my kids love baking and I believe that they should be helping in the kitchen and learning early. Plus busy hands can't cause mischief! So to celebrate national baking week we made some cakes. Now my first port of call is always Bero. I've had a Bero recipe book as long as I can remember and pretty much every woman in my family has had one , mine is passed on from my Nana so it's really really old but I love it. I do have a shiny new one as you can still buy them, but the old one holds sentimental value for me !

We followed this recipe, and started by weighing and measuring 2 eggs, 3oz caster Sugar, 3oz self raising flour, this is good number work for the kids and I like to have everything to hand ready to go.

Next we Heated oven to 180ÂșC,and set out our cake cases in muffin tins cracked eggs into a bowl, whisked lightly, added the sugar and whisked well until thick, creamy and almost white in colour. Folded in the flour and we were ready to fill up the cake cases.

Then we set the timer popped them
In the oven and in no time at all lovely fresh sponge cakes for us .....

And a great big pile of dishes too!

What's your favourite thing to bake with the family ? 


  1. I love baking we have no oven at the minute but Gracie helped my friend prepare some dough for fruit loaves yesterday and had so much fun! We are looking forward to get our new oven and get baking again! Our favourite to make and decorate is biscuits

  2. Looks like fun! We love baking as a family, my 6 year old's favourite thing to make is pizza dough!! Those chefs hats are super cute!

  3. Our current favourite thing to bake are rock cakes! Nice and easy and come out great every time!

  4. aawww love their hats. we love baking here, normally anything with chocolate in :)

  5. Hate the dishes afterwards! We like to make scones, yum :-)

  6. Aw Bero - that brings back memories :)

  7. lovely pictures looks like they had fun! i love making marble cake the german traditional cake :o)
