Thursday 16 March 2017

Wild Science Global Science Challenge

Wild Science have launched their Wild Science Global Science Challenge and to celebrate we recently received a Wild Science Cake Soap Factory

They look good enough to enjoy with a cuppa  BUT THEY ARE NOT FOOD

The Cake soap was fun to make, it does need adult help for the melting parts but both the girls loved making the Cake Soap creations and are very proud of themselves.The soap in this kit is melted and moulded to make almost any solid shape. Whipping the soap creates a stable foam that can be piped onto soap cakes to make any sweet creation you can imagine. Learn about solids, liquids, stable foam, floating and sinking. Make cupcake soaps, foamy buttercream and soapy decorations. Then use as soap or give to loved ones as gifts!

I love that these kits feel like just a fun activity but actually open discussion about loads of sciencey stuff (that is a real technical term!)

The kit has everything you need 

Ready to Create

Here are some things we learned , and by we I mean mammy...

1- the melting process is quick, concentrate and do not try to multitask, forget the microwave and then melt the whole beaker....

Post 'distracted mammy - microwave explosion'

2 Food colouring stains, aprons and even gloves may be a good idea...

3 When it comes to glitter more is apparently best

4 melted soap base and water when whisked hard creates the best foamy play substance! 

The Wild! Science Global Science Challenge is giving families (2 adults and 2 children) everywhere the chance to win:

  • A trip to Orlando Florida,
  • Entry to Disney World,
  • Accommodation t a 5-star resort for 7 days
  • Car hire for 7 days
  • A full set of Wild Science products
  • Entry to the Kennedy Space Centre to meet a real astronaut! (I'm actually too excited about this part!)

How to enter:
  1. Buy a Wild! Science Kit and send a receipt copy with your online application
  2. Design and create an awesome new Wild! Science Kit
  3. Write and illustrate a basic instruction book to show other kids how to use your awesome Wild! Science Kit.
Cake Soap Factory is available from Flair and is priced at £14.99

 Here are some more pictures from our creative fun


  1. How fun does this look! And it might encourage the kids to actually use soap in the bath! LOL! My three are dying to go to Florida so I'm sure will be up for entering the giveaway too x

  2. This looks great, I love the foam!! Brilliant competition too, as it's now officially spring I'm desperate to get a holiday sorted. Orlando would do nicely. Xx

  3. Looks fun. Even my boys would love it c

  4. WOW! These look fun. Our two would love to get the kitchen messy too :)
    Have you used the soap yet? as soap?
    The moulds and shapes looked really good too. The kits seem more fun than the designer bath melts we made earlier in the year, that smelt of play doh!

  5. My eldest would have loved something like
    This when she was younger. What a fab giveaway for someone too. X

  6. This looks so much fun, and the giveaway would certainly help with my pangs to get back to Orlando! The girls love making gifts and science stuff and this combines the two!

  7. How fun! My kids would have a (messy) blast with this!
