Monday 27 March 2017

Fashion for Children with Sensory Processing Issues

My boy is a very sensitive soul and has issues with sensory processing so we try and stay away from the things that cause upset like bright flashing lights, loud noises and too much sensory input,but we have things in place that help.

Sometimes if we want to go to a party or a show on holiday The Golden Child will take with him his ear defenders and happily watch while not feeling overwhelmed. We try to keep noise and music to 'normal' levels and when asking him to do things we make instructions short concise and check he understood. 

When it comes to clothes he has certain things that he takes issue with, he doesn't like tags in his t shirts and he hates the seam on the inside of his socks he like soft comfortable clothing and natural fibres.

So without making a big deal out of his sensory issues here are some of our ideas for clothing that is comfortable and doesn't irritate

We choose tees that are collarless and soft cotton is our favourite.

We cut out our tags this is easy it doesn't take a lot of effort and it means we aren't cutting out a whole swathe of wardrobe, he loves wearing funky t-shirts and we both love this skull t-shirt from Asda which comes with a waistcoat and scarf. 

Trousers are normally elastic waist and his absolute favourite are his cotton waist jeans and any joggers!

We buy plain black socks which go on inside out, simple and perfect for him, no fiddly seam and he is as happy as can be plus you can't tell they are on the wrong way.

And for shoes we choose easy on and no laces, we found these ECCO Urban Snowboarder boots were perfect for us, they have a lace which is tightened using a slider and they literally just slide on his feet, no fuss no messing. Also because they are made with Goretex they withstand any amount of puddle jumping, sand running, hill climbing fun! Weve worn these all through autumn and winter and they are still standing the test of time!

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