Monday 19 August 2013

A is For Apple

 Book Review -The Apple by Dick Bruna

We love Miffy, by we I mean I have loved Miffy since my childhood so I was delighted to read of an opportunity to review creator, Dick Bruna's first ever picture book, The Apple. Its 60 years since this book was first published and Tate have republished it to celebrate the Anniversary.

Its a lovely lyrical story of a sad rosy apple who feels he is missing out because he has no legs to travel around and see the world. A rooster from the tower nearby takes pity on him and takes the apple on an adventure. It is a simple story with very simple pictures which are lovely for children as they are quite childlike in their simplicity. We found lots to talk about looking at the pages and both Peanut and The golden child loved hearing it, although I think The Golden Child (age 3) may have engaged with it the most. The book is small and hard backed so will travel well  in our bag easily for days out and I think that Peanut will be able to read it independently very soon. Its full of primary colours and the two offspring are looking forward to showing it to their Brother or Sister when Termite arrives, I also think this will be a brilliant read for very very you children, as it has great bright contrasting colours and a lovely rhythm to its words.

In celebration of The Apple's 60th anniversary There will be an exhibition  at Foyles CafĂ©:  with activities and crafts running until 29 August. Tate are also offering The Apple and 2 other Bruna Books , The School and On My Scooter, in a special 3 for 2 offer available at Foyles, Waterstones and many other book stores. All of whom of course stock plenty good old Miffy Books as well.

If you like me are a Bruna and Miffy Fan you can follow Miffy on Twitter and Facebook

The Apple was sent to us free to review but all opinions are our own.


  1. aaaa we loved this book, miffy books are a huge favourite here too!! thanks for linking up with #readwithme x

  2. I didn't even know miffy was still going! Blast from the past! #readwithme

  3. I loved the Miffy books as a child but don't know this one. I love the simplicity of the pictures :)

