Tuesday 7 May 2013

Lets Start Again

Oh its been so long since I posted, I cant believe how time slips away so quickly.

So here's an update, after several knock backs on the funding front I sort of threw a little tantrum and shelved my idea for my little business and concentrated instead on selling pushchairs (oh my passion for prams is a bit uncontrollable) I blame this in most part on a website I stumbled upon accidentally but I'm so glad I did ...  http://www.pushchairtrader.co.uk/ has helped me choose many a pram and along with their sister site http://www.nurserytrader.co.uk/ they offer great reviews on almost everything baby and toddler related. I shall dedicate a whole post to them soon though as there is lots to say.

Now though we English family have exciting news in that I'm currently growing number 3 making us a family of 5!!! Ive always wanted lots of children and if truth be told I would have dozen if time money and age were on my side not to mention more bedrooms of course! So you can imagine we are overjoyed and just a little excited at the thought of our 'termite' arriving late this summer.

Ive decided then that I should share with you all my thoughts on baby products, holidays, life's general 'stuff' and also the highs and lows of making us a family of 5. Now it may get messy for I plan to give you a warts and all account of the things we stumble upon on the way, from how we dealt with 'mam where will the baby come out' to the joys of real cloth nappies.

For now though I hope you will stay with me and I promise to be better in my ramblings

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