Monday 12 February 2018

Life is Poo!

Sorry that title is a bit misleading but I couldn't resist!  We recently went to have a sneak peak at the new Poo Show at Centre for Life and it was really very interesting.

Here are some things we learned....
Poo can be made into paper
5 different names for poo
Why you don't wanna be near a hippo when s/he poo's
Which animal has square poo and why!
What are fatbergs and poonamis
What is poo coffee, and
What is a poojectile

I'm not actually going to share all the details with you because ....
A- I'd steal the thunder of the very lovely science explainers
B- You should definitely go yourself
C - I would never explain it all as well as Life do
There are loads of poo themed activities throughout half term and you can still see Dino Jaws and touch  some Dino poo too!

 Poo paper
Just picking up some shopping 
 As an aside to the poo! We stopped for food in the caffe and this lemon and poppy seed muffin is possibly the the best muffin I've ever tasted!!

Have you seen the poo show yet? What did you think


  1. It sounds like so much fun! Judging by the queues out of the door I think it's been very popular too x

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