Monday 22 May 2017

First-Time Buyer Information and Giveaway From Newcastle Building Society

I'm so happy to be able to be working with Newcastle Building Society and helping them spread the word about important fist time buyer information.

When i bought my first house, almost 19 years ago! I paid the princely sum of £19000! Looking back I can see how lucky I was in more ways than one. Not only did I only have to find 5% deposit but i somehow managed to find an awesome mortgage advisor who kept me calm during the ups and downs of house finding and buying.

Now I dont envy anyone of any age trying to get on the property ladder, my step daughter for instance is doing awesomely well in her own hairdressing business but as she works for herself many mortgage lenders are asking for extortionate deposits and up to 5 years of accounts so she is stuck paying pricey rental charges instead of investing in her own property.

Thankfully Newcastle Building Society are one of those company's who just get whats important in these situations.

Low deposits from 5%
Friendly helpful staff
Individual analysis for self employed applicants , requiring only 1 year of accounts or an SA302 form
Great linkable products like ISA's that give you cash back
Fabulous rates of interest
Really clear information

They are running two first time buyer events in the North East in June

1st June at Cobalt business park (lots of parking and really easy to get to)

and 15 June at Pleased to Meet You which is right in the city centre so really easy to hop off the metro after work.

There will be loads of information available and refreshents too (priorities right?) with lots of opportunity for you to pick the brains of the best advisors Newcastle Building society has to offer. Spaces are booking fast and are limited so to book your FREE space  asap email

Because they are geet canny, and they know what the important bits are when you first buy a house. Newcastle have put together this awesome giveaway including

A new house hamper, £50 Voucher for Next, for some nice new homeware accessories, £50 Voucher for Sainsburys for those import first meals (or some celebratory champers!) and a £50 for Wilkinsons for all the practical bits and pieces.

To be in with a chance of winning this awesome prize worth over £200 just enter via the raffle copter below and a winner will be randomly chosen from the correct entry on 16th June 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

T and Cs no coash alternative, winner must accept prize within 7 days or it will be re drawn, decision is final, open to UK residents only.


  1. My parents recommended the type of morgage I should go for as I didn't have a clue!

  2. I'm afraid I'm one of the people who will never be able to afford a mortgage so I rent

  3. very confusing all the different offers and rates

  4. My experience was so long ago I can barely remember! We didn't get the best advice though as were advised to take out a 40 year mortgage when I think a 25 year mortgage would have saved us lots of interest!

  5. we got stung when we bought an endowment mortgage, we were promised the property would be paid in full and we would get at least £20k back, in the end we had an £18k shortfall. we had no idea about mortgages and back in the 80's endowments were being pushed as they get commissions, we had no recourse as company ceased trading. would advise anyone to seek an independent financial adviser.

  6. I made sure to get an adviser. I was totally bamboozled by mortgage jargon and had no idea how to decipher the options available to me. That and every check of your credit rating by a lender bumps the rating down a bit. I invested in a mortgage broker, recommended to me by a colleague, to help out. The money spent was more than made up for in terms of getting the best mortgage available to me, and it made the whole process much less stressful. My advice would be to opt for an independent advisor with plenty of experience.

  7. Thanks for sharing this, will hopefully be able to go to one of these event. We would love to be able to buy our first home.

  8. When I was 18 my ex partner and I quite easily got a mortgage to buy our first house. We had a lovely man come and visit us who helped with all the paperwork. The payments were cheaper than renting.

  9. At the moment I'm saving up for one, so I'll get back to you on that one lol

  10. We are yet to buy a house and to go for mortgage, it seems like a very daunting process. Yet to decide if a low deposit is better than for instance 10% deposit knowing that you have less to pay/overpay over the years.

  11. I've been fortunate to get onto the property ladder by buying my council house - one of the only things I think I'd thank the Conservatives for! Whether I can remain on that ladder going forward is a different issue, however, in such economically volatile times. Good to know there are still some friendly building societies out there.

  12. At the moment I don't think I'll be able to afford a mortgage for at least 15 years!

  13. I got my first mortgage in the 80's, unfortunately we ended up getting the house repossessed due to my husband losing his job and the high interest rates

  14. I found the experience quite stressful both times. I had a good broker though who got me good rates. However, despite having a good credit rating the first 3 banks he went to declined me a mortgage. It was getting worrying until we finally got the confirmation from the 4th one. Not something I want to go through again anytime soon!

  15. Right at this moment we are sorting out a mortgage for a new house we are buying next month. We would have been lost without our finanical advisor guy he has helped us out no end. Because I wasn't married when we bought our first house and now we are it's tricky as I have had to send away all sorts of id and visit a solicitors to prove who I am! xx

  16. I haven't had a mortgage before

  17. Sadly I don't have much experience my husband and I have our first appointment next week

    Kay Sherman

  18. I did my research online to find the best deal for me.

  19. i asked family and friends for recommendations and there own experiences i also found it pretty stressful and daunting

  20. I did my research online and also my parents helped me. It's easy to find mortgages but really difficult to get one.

  21. It's a complete nightmare trying to work out all the options. Advisers are a mixed bag as they all have hidden costs and you never know if you are getting a good one or not.

  22. I don't have a mortgage unfortunately, but I am moving soon. I used to work as a staff trainer in a mortgage department many moons ago though.

  23. I am looking at getting a mortgage this year and the whole thing baffles me,

  24. We just went to the Halifax, where we had savings, and took their advice. We didn't research it very well at all.

  25. We got our mortgage from the Building Society we saved with and it was very simple. That was a long time ago when there weren't so many choices and pitfalls.

  26. Margaret Clarkson
    My father in law advised to get a repayment mortgage, which worked out well.

  27. Being self employed I've found it quite tricky to find a mortgage. Always got there in the end though

  28. You need to spend a lot of time shopping around as there are so many different types and rates you need to find the best for you

  29. I don't believe that I'll ever be in that position.

  30. we had 6 weeks to get a mortgage otherwise we would of lost our dream home! luckily we had a fantastic mortgage adviser who rushed it all through, but solicitors were the ones who were hard work! thanks to my mother in law financially we would never have got one.

  31. Spencer Broadley31 May 2017 at 12:18

    We have never being able to save the deposit. Maybe in the future if we keep saving

  32. I rent so haven't had to deal with mortgages yet.

  33. I was persuaded to buy an Endowment mortgage... a terrible decision I am still paying for

  34. We took an endownment mortgage out when we were only 18 years old but we sold our house a few years later and we have been renting ever since.

  35. I was a lucky one my partner had the mortgage before I met him, iv not actually had my name on one never been able to afford one.

  36. Stressful and lots of paperwork to find but all worth it in end

  37. I set my self a limit and new what I could afford we found natwest really good

  38. Terrible, paperwork completed wrong, phone calls not returned, wrong information given, told I had been refused when I had already received paperwork. Absolute nightmare.

  39. We went online and found the best mortgage rate and went with the one which was best

  40. saving for a deposit but hard nowadays to save and live

  41. I went to one mortgage broker years ago and just took his advice but in retrospect I should have done more research myself

  42. Just beginning to look into it and it's all so confusing!

  43. much easier if you do plenty of research

  44. we moved out of our parents house and bought a house, we have been in our house a year now! we found that it doesnt cost much more than renting so thought we would take the plunge. We did a lot of research online and also bought an advisor who went through all the paper work and explained everything in normal terms which helped so much!

  45. I wish I had some experience with that ! I can't wait to be able to have my own home - we are saving!

  46. Luckily I've owned my home for over 20 years x

  47. I'd recommend using an independent mortgage advisor. It makes finding the best deal so much easier than looking through loads yourself and the application process goes much smoother as they deal with everything!

  48. We are looking into this at the moment. We genuinely have no idea where to start. We both work full time but are struggling to save just for the deposit!

  49. We found out that many banks don't deal with part buy-part rent scheme - after visiting a few we were lucky with Nationwide.

  50. We went to the bank to find out about getting money for a moragage but never went any further

  51. Using a building society because I trust them more than banks.

  52. So many different options! I use sites like MSE, Moneywise to sort through the fluff and find the best arrangements for us.

  53. It was a lot easier 15 years ago. Fairly easy to get accepted and everything went through relatively quickly.

  54. I found it very difficult to find the right mortgage for my personal situation with main stream mortgage advisers saying they could not find a product to suit my needs. In a last ditch attempt I spoke with a independent financial adviser who knew exactly what was needed and secured the right mortgage for me when I was ready to give up. And now ... we are all living happily ever after in our new home. :)

  55. got ours online with santandare

  56. It wasn't an easy process at all, wish we had known more, but got a mortgage with Santander in the end. So hard for young people now, they deserve all the help they can get!

  57. It was a long time ago now but we did look around and got a great deal and everything went smoothly.

  58. We recently bought a new house so had to get another mortgage. I must admit i found it all confusing and did not fully understand all the term and products

  59. I rent at the moment and I dread the day I need to negotiate the mortgage minefield.

  60. We were lucky, the estate agents we bought with had their own mortgage advisor who helped us find the best deal & organise all the paperwork/applications/insurance etc Even 9 years on they still call us at the end of each term and help us for a small fee - it's so easy!

  61. Ollie Randolph1 June 2017 at 21:51

    I currently rent and I find that even knowing where to start with mortgages is a challenge.

  62. A lot of research online, its very confusing

  63. Paid ours off but just looking into getting another one at 58 not sure if we will be able to.

  64. We recently got a mortgage on our first home. I was pregnant at the time so at first thought we'd struggle because we were living off one wage and maternity allowance but thankfully we were okay as we had the first time buyer deposit aid. Thanks for the chance :)

  65. My parents recommended there mortgage advisor that has got them mortgages for years she is amazing the whole family and friends have used her to get there mortgage.

  66. It's all really confusing to me I wish it was simpler !

  67. We just went to our bank and got a PEP mortgage. We had no idea about mortgages and just went with the mortgage advisor's advice

  68. It is very complicated - too many offers with different providers!

  69. I don't really remember much about how we went about it, but we went for a simple repayment mortgage in the early 90s.

  70. I haven't been able to get one being the only one working.

  71. I have never had a mortgage as unfortunately I am not in a poison to have one but would love to be entered into this fantastic giveaway

  72. I found it all fairly stressful and confusing but when we moved into our new house the mortgage company sent us flowers which I thought was really thoughtful

  73. We haven't had much experience at the moment as have been saving for a deposit for the last 2 years, hopefully in another 2, we will have an experience story to tell!

  74. Not enough clear information, it can be difficult making the right decisions

  75. It was very stressful and confusing getting a mortgage

  76. Not very clear and unfortunately I don't have a good enough credit rating for a mortgage currently x

  77. We have found it very difficult to get a mortgage even though we both work! Having no deposit and our age are against us

  78. I've never had a mortgage personally - never been able to afford one. Rafflecopter entries are in my real name NIKKI HAYES, thanks for the lovely giveaway :o)

  79. I have to admit I can never get my head around all the information and if it is right for me I tend to let the husband deal with it!

  80. no experience yet but have finally got a permanent contract and am hoping to buy my own house in the next year or two

  81. It was really confusing at the time, to be honest, we didn't have a clue what we were doing and its just fortunate it worked out ok!

  82. @georgiecurl luckily, i have a council house and that does me nicely!

  83. We found it relatively straightforward using HSBC

  84. I don't have one as live in council home and been here 7 years and unlikely to be moving soon as I love it x

  85. After dealing and waiting for appointments with Bank and the Building Society and what they could offer or not as the case maybe ! I went with a Mortgage Broker who organised the best deal and paperwork within a very short time, he has switched my mortgage for me as well and any info i need to know regarding any new mortgage products etc his company e-mail me,

  86. Had the same one for many years now as we've never been able to find a better deal.

  87. I feel embarrassed to say I have left it to my OH.

  88. first time buyer deposit aid was very helpful!

  89. although very confusing at first, we found lots of information and were given great advice by friends and family

  90. My Experience is that we have not been able to afford one and no idea how we ever will

  91. Our mortgage advisor found us the best mortgage - one with the lowest rate and the most affordable

  92. We had an indepedant mortgage advisor who was very good. Not pushy or biased and extremely patient with our amoumt of questions!!!! That was 5years ago and we still get a christmas card from her every year. Nice special touch.

  93. I had great difficulty finding my first mortgage. Since then I used a mortgage broker and finally paid off our mortgage this year.

  94. My husband manages the mortgage so I'm not sure :/

  95. It was 18 years ago & we basically used our bank!

  96. WE have found independent mortgage advisors very helpful!

  97. i have never looked into a mortgage as i rent

  98. Still waiting to buy a house so I don't have any experience of this :(

  99. We went with the builders recommendation when buying our house.

  100. We've always encountered loads of problems, lengthy delays, rubbish communication, although we got there in the end! @kleesical

  101. I'd never be able to get a mortgage. With my crappy job I can barely afford to pay rent on a room. Thanks

  102. I have not yet been in a position to buy a house, even with a mortgage, so I don't have any experience I'm afraid!

  103. Rachael Ford-Hutchinson11 June 2017 at 11:43

    We got a mortgage advisor and I would highly recommend it to take the stress away

  104. It was a long time ago, and was very simple, just visited buiding society and took it out

  105. its very difficult now for most first time buyers and unfortunately i cant see it getting any better

  106. 51 years ago it was not very difficult! We had a big deposit and so had no problems.

  107. It was really difficult - you never know who to trust

  108. We used a broker that was recommended by friends, he did a good job but due to circumstances we had very little choice over which we could use.

  109. We went to a mortgage broker as the banks don't like it when 1 off you is self employed.
    (@juliesnb twitter)

  110. When we first got a mortgage we paid a mortgage broker as we had no idea but we've remortgaged a few times since and just look online to find the best deal.

  111. What a great prize! I can't even remember what we did now!

  112. We haven't been able to find a mortgage for us yet.

  113. I found a perfect mortgage quickly and easily by searching online

  114. Unless our circumstances change drastically, I can't see us buying any time soon, we rent at the moment.

  115. Would love a Mortgage but its so hard with finding enough for the Deposit!

  116. its a while since we got a mortgage, we just let the bloke from the estate agents sort it for us.

  117. Got our mortgage many years ago on the advice of the manager at the bank where I worked

  118. The balance between prices, interest rates and deposits is still out of sync

  119. I was lucky to get my first mortgage before prices went totally mad, but it was still very confusing. I'd recommend reading up on independent websites like MoneySavingExpert first before you go looking. Knowledge is power!

  120. My husband did it all! Haha. Feel very thankful as I find it so confusing.

  121. no experience as we just cant afford one :(

  122. im currently saving towards a deposit so ive got it all to come yet

  123. I'm not in a position to buy so have no experience of mortgages.

  124. We had to borrow from family because the banks were only offering a pittance. Just because I was a stay at home mother at that time.

  125. Everything is so complicated nowadays

  126. we made an appointment with a mortgage broker, she was amazing, helped us get a government scheme that was almost closing, if we hadnt have done that, we never would have been able to afford our house.

  127. We had an amazing financial advisor who patiently went through all the choices

  128. Never had a mortgage not sure I will ever be able to get one. Thank you for the giveaway anyway!

  129. Our financial advisor turned out to be a very bad choice as he lost us a quarter of a million pounds by committing fraud, not a good experience.


  130. unfortunately all the rates etc can be very confusing- hard to compare like with like

  131. It's definitely important to get good quality advise!

  132. will never afford a mortgage, I live in a very expensive part of the country... so I have to rent

  133. Had no problems when I bought my place, but much more tricky now, especially with zero hour contracts!

  134. We had a mortgage advisor when we brought our house 15 years ago. It made the whole process so much easier and it was completely stress free!

  135. I've had two mortgages. The first time I had a recommendation from a financial advisor - and ended up locked in to 5 years fixe rate which after the first year was about triple what I'd be paying elsewhere, plus it was an endowment which was predicted to fall short of the amount we'd need to pay off our mortgage. Fortunately a company relocation gave me the chance to start over, this time with a recommendation from my Trade Union, which worked out much better.

  136. i haven't even thought about one yet (and i'm 54!)

  137. My parents helped me start out as I'm rubbish at numbers.

  138. i'm too old to remember. It seemed ok I went direct to the building society to help me arrange things.

  139. I have a great advisor that I really trust.

  140. I rent as would never be able to afford a mortgage x

  141. I used a mortgage adviser, took a lot of hassle out of the process

  142. I rent at the moment. Can't afford a mortgage.

  143. My husband and I applied for our first mortgage 35 years ago. Back then it was legal for banks to discriminate against women, and we were told that, even though I was working, they would only take my husband's income into account "because I was of child-bearing age". Sadly that meant we were unable to buy the flat we wanted, and we did not buy our first property till many years later.

  144. I am lucky enough to own my home, but I took a mortgage 35 years ago when houses were £18,500 and I took a repayment mortgage after dads advice. Halifax gave me the backing and I have never regretted the hardship of finding the money month after month because I now have something to leave my three girls xx

  145. Finding it really hard to save up for a big enough deposit.

  146. I chose my bank as my mortgage provider as I already trusted them and felt that I would be in safe hands.

  147. I couldn't afford the deposit for a mortgage and it will be a while before I can.

  148. Struggled to find a lender as it was a part rent part buy property

  149. At the moment I'm saving up for one, but it's taking forever.
