Saturday 17 October 2015

North East Blogger Awards

Hey did you know? Of course you did I've been doing my happy dance for over a week now! Well just in case you missed it, we are officially ....

shortlisted in the Parenting category! I'm so immensely pleased I have been squealing every time I think about it so I just wanted to say a huuuuuuge humongous, ginormous, gargantuan great big

To everyone of you who voted for me, to everyone who reads my wee blog, comments, shared and talks about my little piece of the tinterweb. I'm truly truly gobsmacked that I'm here. I'll be honest I'm not sure I'll be bringing back a trophy because the competition is tough. Janine from Birth and Baby Network is an amazing source of information and help to local parents and parents to be, and Ashlie from Sugar Rushed offers fab recipes and funny stories about the bumpy path that is parenting. They are both uber brilliant and very deserving winners so I'm going to say with absolute honesty I am just genuine a pleased and proud to have made it to the finals.
Now I need to think of something to say (something that makes sense!) about blogging and what it means for me and why I started to the lovely organisers for a video EEK ...



  1. Congratulations!!! What a fantastic achievement. Eeeek a video! Vlog it up :) xx

  2. Well done! You must be so excited

  3. That's so exciting! Well done and lots of luck! x
