Saturday 26 July 2014

Proud as Punch

A really quick post and rather overdue but I wanted to share with you all that my brilliant husband came top of his class in his Bachelor of Science in Architectural Technology with a First Class Honours Degree, a course accredited by CIAT and CIOB.

We had a lovely day celebrating his success and watching him get his scroll. He has worked really hard (obviously aided by his brilliant wife) to support us and gain amazing results in his acedemic work whilst ensuring family time doesn't suffer!


The kids really enjoyed seeing him all dressed in his cap and gown and listening as we explained what university was and how they could do the same when they were older.

Most of his classmates are heading straight to work and are all busy searching for construction jobs in the UK Spartacus however is fortunate enough to be self employed and is taking this opportunity to continue with his studies, moving on to a Masters Degree.

Good luck to all of his alumni and we will keep you updated of his Masters progression.


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