Thursday 10 August 2017

Why We Love Egypt

13 years ago my (then) boyfriend and I were strolling along a promenade overlooking the beautiful Red Sea, when he plopped himself down on one knee and using my full Sunday name, asked me to marry him! Obviously I said yes and the rest is history.

That was our first holiday to Egypt, a country we fell in love with instantly, the hotel was beautiful the tour guides were awesome, passionate, proud and knowledgeable. We crammed so much into that week but we both knew we needed to go back!

Egypt is an easy place to love, it's steeped in history, the climate is amazing all year round so you really can jet off anytime.

When planning our wedding we knew that we would return to Egypt for our honeymoon and we found an amazing multi centre  trip with Hayes and Jarvis taking in the sights of Cairo, Luxor and then having a relaxed week in Sham el Sheikh. Our honeymoon was everything it should have been, we say breathtakingly sights, made friends, learned so much and were spoiled rotten everywher.

We've returned twice since, both times with children in tow and we've always found the hotels amazing, the service industry is treated like a vocation in Egypt unlike the UK and employees go out of their way to provide you with an unforgettable holiday, children are fussed over and there is so much to see and do, and more history than I could ever learn about in a million visits!

Plus cocktails in a swim up pool sway the balance !
We were sad to hear on our last trip that TUI were not running trips to the Pyramids. So we talked about how in our next visit we would take the kids to Cairo so they could see the things we did on our honeymoon.

Another area we have heard brilliant things about is Hurghada but sadly we've never managed to visit, after our last holiday in 2014 we decided that for our next visit we would definitely plan a Hurghada Holiday

Now is a great time to travel to Hurghada, its on the FCO safe to travel list and you can pick up some great bargains in some beautiful hotels, plus there's loads to do, we've already planned a trip to sand city so we can see the amazing  sculptures there.

and a day shopping in the old town to find some gorgeous leather goods.

It's even possible to get a low cost internal flight to Cairo so we can show the kids the pyramids and we would love to stay in the Hyatt there (to re live our honeymoon) of course a trip to The Hard Rock Cafe is now a family tradition and then.

We could fly back to Hurghada to chill out and teach the kids to snorkell and hopefully now they are all old enough to be trusted on a boat we can finally go on a dolphin spotting tour to see dolphins in their natural environment

I love planning new trips, and reliving past holiday faves!  Have you been to Hurghada before ? I'd love to hear your must see recommendations.

I have been compensated for this post

1 comment:

  1. Ah lovely post recalling your memories Karen. I know you always say Egypt is lovely. I would love to take H, H and J one day x
